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Bundle Event Design Yearbook 2018–2021
Now also available as a bundle: Event Design Yearbooks 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21. Three standard works of the event scene. A piece of contemporary history, as this bundle also documents the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and shows how creatively the industry responded to the new situation.

Bundle Trade Fair Design Annual 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20
Now also available as a bundle: Trade fair design yearbooks 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21. Three standard works of the trade fair scene. A piece of contemporary history, as this bundle also documents the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and shows how creatively the industry responded to the new situation.

Trade Fair Design Annual 2019/20
So-called instagrammability has long become part of our communication policy – has the design of trade fair stands also changed as a consequence? Is the presentation's focus no longer the product but rather the potential customer and their interaction? How important are live experiences in order to draw the full attention of visitors? What effect does this have on the communication strategy and on the spatial design? These are questions pursued by the new Trade Fair Design Annual with 60 exceptional examples. Sabine Marinescu and Janina Poesch are both architects, journalists and founders of PLOT – the network in the field of spatial staging. Since 2008 they have been publishing their own print and online magazines and reference books about scenography. The standard reference work in the trade fair design world. Search inside on ISSUU.com

Event Design Yearbook 2019 / 2020
The current credo of live communication is: Let them participate and decide! It seems that the times in which products were displayed in rigid procedures and self-celebratory event formats are over. Now the question is what will enthuse visitors, how can they be incorporated and not least encouraged to make social media posts. A noticeable number of event formats in this edition indeed involve their participants to a great extent. This is evident in concepts orientated towards added value and experiences, as well as in possibilities for interaction and individual freedom of choice. However, what sounds straightforward is a challenge. How does one overcome inhibitions? What enthuses spoilt visitors hungry for experiences? How does one create experiences suitable for social media? Many of the around 60 events in this edition show potential solutions in practice. An in-depth interview provides answers and advice from specialists. Best cases of instagramable events and locations. 60 events in Germany, Belgium, China, South Korea, Switzerland, Austria, Russia, USA, Italy, Portugal, Denmark, Spain, Qatar ...Search inside on ISSUU.com  

Trade Fair Design Annual 2018/19
The standard reference work in the trade fair design world  Change and transformation are currently characteristic not only of our society and our socio-cultural structures, but also of our economic structures and therefore the exhibition industry: traditional approaches to brand communication no longer appear to take full effect, although the core of the longstanding trade fair business perhaps holds the key to the future of the traditional platform: in real encounters and individual exchanges.In accordance with this, over the forthcoming years it will increasingly be about shaping this discussion, creating spaces for it, enabling especially personal contacts amidst a communication guided by bots, thereby shaping change. Of course, this edition of the Trade Fair Design Yearbook is not oblivious to this either: since October 2018, the publication has been issued in a new, even higher quality design, extending increasingly into digital as well as real space.Search inside on ISSUU.com

Event Design Yearbook 2018 / 2019
The best events, the latest trendsThe current edition of the Event Design Yearbook presents the best and most interesting events of the last year informatively, with a wealth of pictures.What is new, however, is the author: with the Yearbook 2018 / 2019, Katharina Stein – specialist journalist, scene insider and founder of eveosblog for event marketing – is looking for small and large, private and public, cultural and corporate, exceptional and fascinating events, which all distinguish themselves through the idea behind it and its realisation.Search inside on ISSUU.com

Trade Fair Design Annual 2017/18
20 years' Trade Fair Design Annual! This anniversary edition breaks all the records: more trade fair stands, more pages, more trends. Including an interview on the future of the trade fair. Current brand communication is increasingly moving towards real-digital narratives. The storytelling trend plays a major role in this, as well as the type of communication, in times of complete digitisation. Particularly at trade fairs, personal discussion is still the key aspect of every presentation. With this edition of the Trade Fair Design Annual, the authors present a series of successful examples of transmedia storytelling, attaching particular importance to the accomplished use of means of communication. What is decisive, however, is the exceptional design of the overall presentation, which can add communicative and therefore informative value for the exhibitor, as well as provide an emotional experience for the visitors.

Event Design Yearbook 2017 / 2018
We are living in a networked age and can no longer deny digitisation. Although the events sector is currently characterised primarily by live experiences, events are becoming increasingly hybrid: new forms of spatial communication are emerging, which blur the boundaries between real and virtual experience. With this yearbook, the authors present, informatively and with a wealth of images, more than 50 successful examples where both digital innovation and personal encounters are the focus of the concept. Through numerous interviews with specialists in the sector, they venture a look into the future, in order to ask quite exclusively: "What is actually 'the next big thing'?"

Trade Fair Design Annual 2016/17
The reference work in the trade fair design world  The fully connected "Industry 4.0" has also found its way into the corporate presentations at trade fairs: real worlds are digitally extended by augmented reality or merged with virtual spaces to create new, all-engulfing brand experiences. And yet trade fairs remain places where personal contacts are made, networks enlarged and innovations brought to market – in some cases without any digital add-ons ...This standard work once again documuents the best trade fair stands of recent years and uses powerful visuals and informative texts to identify future trends.

Tamschick Media+Space
The art of creating multimedia spacesTwo decades of experimental multimedia scenography: illustrated by 30 international award-winning projects, the successful Berlin-based studio Tamschick Media+Space provides an insight into the art of converting contents and objects into a three-dimensional, accessible, holistic experience of space by means of multimedia projections and of creating a lasting dramaturgical experience.Elaborate development processes are presented by means of comprehensive series of images and drafts: e.g. for Treasure Mainshow (Expo Shanghai), The Ting (Oslo), Time Machine (Wuxi), Kingdom of the Shadows (Trier) and Experience Frontiers (Biel). Well-known international authors from the fields of scenography, architecture, museum and brands share their experience in guest contributions.

Event Design Yearbook 2013 / 2014
This year’s Event Design Yearbook presents a collection of innovative event concepts by both national and international agencies – even looking as far as China. More than 30 projects visualise current trends in the industry and demonstrate the range of technical and conceptual possibilities available in terms of both conceptualisation and execution.Each of the individual categories – Corporate, Employee, Public, Exhibition, Consumer, Charity, Social and Cultural Events – exhibits outstanding projects that set themselves apart with the highest-quality results as regards effect, technical aspects, aesthetics and staging. Texts, numerous illustrations, plans and sketches ensure a vivid depiction of all events featured. A new addition is a section focusing on artistic and theatrical events – such as the celebrations that accompanied the 800th anniversary of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Such events are not only interesting owing to their unique approaches to planning and implementation, but also by dint of their reception, since they often enjoy a great deal of resonance in social media and other online outlets.

Trade Fair Design Annual 2012/13
Trade fairs and weekly markets have a number of things in common. They are by no means just points of sale. Both market hawkers and exhibitors want to make contact with old and new business associates, nurture customer relationships, inform about new products, groom their image and above all to be seen and heard in order to create publicity. With these goals in mind, effective stand architecture can create the initial basis for successful dialogue.The outstanding examples contained in the Trade Fair Design Annual 1012/13 have been selected to show how unique brand appearances can be created by blending architectural and communicative elements and what role audiovisual media, convincing graphics, light productions or different materials play in this.Rainer Häupl, Sabine Marinescu and Janina Poesch offer an insight into state-of-the-art trade fair staging and take a special look this time at the phenomenon of curated trade fairs. Another first: the designers themselves have a say in a number of interviews.

New Exhibition Design 02
• New volume in the successful series “New Exhibition Design” • More than 100 outstanding exhibitions worldwide • Project descriptions, photos, plans and data • Gives an outlook on the “Museum 3.0” The book offers an up-to-date and comprehensive insight into state-of-the-art design and planning of exhibitions by presenting more than 100 project examples of renowned international designers from Germany to Korea, from Japan to the USA and Canada, from Norway to Italy. The many photos, plans and project data provide in-depth information about these projects, all of them extraordinary in terms of design and content and on the cutting edge of technological and social innovation. The selected projects are grouped in the following areas: exhibition (temporary), museum (permanent exhibitions), Expo, brand museums and centres, showrooms and shops, experiments, art and public space. The book also presents particularly innovative student projects. Philipp Teufel and Uwe J. Reinhardt are professors of Communication Design and of Text/Verbal Communication at the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf, with the main focus on museums and exhibitions.

12 Gegenstände
Twelve objects tell a hundred years of industrial design history. The book presents products that were made between 1914 and 2004 and changed people’s everyday lives, designs that were marketed with new strategies, and objects that convey the way of life of a particular decade. Whether it is the Wonder Bowls by Earl Silas Tupper, the Valentine typewriter by Ettore Sottsass, or the iPod mini byJonathan Ive – design icons are brought to life in twelve contributions and through interviews with renowned designers and authors. Sophie Jung (born 1981) is an art historian and is currently working in Berlin as an art critic and editor. Stephen Palmer (born 1965) is an historian and publisher based in Melbourne, Australia. In collaboration with the HfG-Archiv / Ulmer Museum, Sophie Jung and Stephen Palmer developed "12 Gegenstände" into an interdisciplinary publishing project that has also become the conceptual basis for the corresponding exhibition at the HfG-Archiv Ulm.

Event Design Yearbook 2011 / 2012
How can a stirring, original and gripping event be presented in a staged setting? What kind of marketing event awakens the interest of customers, employees or exhibition visitors alike? Answers to these and many other questions about live communication are provided in the Even Design Yearbook!Around 30 international examples show multi-faceted solutions for a wide variety of tasks in the following categories: Corporate, Employee, Public, Exhibition and Consumer Event. The design and the dramaturgical process are demonstrated by texts, numerous illustrations and plans. Supplementing the practical part, theoretical articles on the psychology of brand presentation and on sustainable event marketing round off the book.The participating agencies: Apostrophy’s, ARNO Design, ATELIER BRÜCKNER, Atelier Markgraph, BBDO Live, Blue Scope Communications, Braunwagner, CE+Co, CREATORS concept & media, dan pearlman, flora&faunavisions, HAGEN INVENT, insglück, jangled nerves, Jung von Matt/Alster, Jung von Matt/relations, LIGANOVA – The BrandRetail Company, Milla & Partner, Mutabor Design, Schmidhuber + Partner, Siegelwerk, Uniplan, visuarte, VOK DAMS.
